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Cuba Anarcho-Bolshevik

Pentagon denies that the PRC is developing a spy station in the Republic of Cuba Corporate media slanders China, Cuba A lie so blatant even the Pentagon must deny it

The U.S. corporate media creates such unbelievable fabrications that sometimes the Pentagon and the U.S. war planners must reject them. Anyone who disbelieved Cuba and China’s denial of the Wall Street Journal’s charge that China paid Cuba billions of dollars for a spy base in Cuba was quickly prove

Corporate media slanders China, Cuba A lie so blatant even the Pentagon must deny it

Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick S. Ryder called the WSJ report “inaccurate” during a June 8 briefing. “We are not aware of China and Cuba developing any type of spy station,” said Ryder, adding that “the relationship that those two countries share is something that we continuously monitor.” (, June 8)

White House national security spokesman John F. Kirby then denied the WSJ story. “I’ve seen that press report. It’s not accurate,” Kirby told MSNBC. (June 8) How the media and the politicians handled the false report illustrated how the U.S. ruling class and its political system is geared to moving toward confrontation and war.