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One of Octavia Butler's Best-Known Works is Now an Opera One of Octavia Butler's Best-Known Works is Now an Opera

Science fiction and spirituality combine in the opera adaptation of "Parable of the Sower."

One of Octavia Butler's Best-Known Works is Now an Opera

Science fiction and spirituality combine in the opera adaptation of "Parable of the Sower."

  • Butler is one of the greats of sci-fi, on par with LeGuin and honestly a better writer than either Clarke or Asimov in my opinion. Reading the Lilith's Brood series is a must for any serious sci-fi fan - her brilliance is on the level of Stephenson at his best, but with an uniquely sensitive touch that his work lacks. She's also an incredibly courageous writer -doesn't shy away from taboo subjects and renders them with a rich, deep artistry.

    Great to see Parable get more recognition - I'd love to see more theater and screen adaptations of her work.