This is the grand reward of the "Cursed" expedition. Space is getting tight in all our collector's hangars. If you got a chance to test drive this new lady, what is your verdict? Will you keep it? Why? Why not? Curious what you think.
Haven't had the chance to play it yet but it looked neat from the trailer.
As for starship capacity, I think the expedition ships simply shouldn't count, or we should get a way to expand our starship inventory.
As I have stated a great many times in the past, I think we should have the ability to own more than one freighter, and I think doing so should increase the size of your starship inventory, and maybe even the amount of frigates you can have in your fleet.
If you really wanna get crazy, make it so each freighter comes with it's own storage modules, so we can have more than the 10 we have now.
And yes I did take a post asking about a single starship and turn it into a way of advocating for my single most desired feature.
I’ve always been a big frieghter base person even before endurance (I started playing the game when the first expedition came out with my captains name being commander pog)
ANYWAYS BACK TO MY POINT, I think it would be Good to display all 9 or 12 (or however many ships we can hold in our inventory) inside the capital ship hangar
Also a new base part that serves as a spawn point for ships just like the capital ships hangar, then a capital ship upgrade that increases the max amount amount of ships we can carry
To build on this, we could have two new options in the summon menu.
"Select freighter" for picking one of your capital ships/freighters to summon.
"Summon Fleet" which gives you the epic galactic empire style entrance with all of your ships in formation.
The current freighter button could either be replaced with "Select freighter" similar to how you pick exocraft, or kept and set to summon the last freighter you boarded, like how Starships work.
Since Sentinel Interceptors came out I have flown nothing but them. I plan to create a save that has nothing but the special ships, but other than that, I never plan to use them.
What bothers me somewhat is that with the right amount of cash every ship's storage can be extended to the same maximum amount. How is it possible that my fighter can carry the same loads as my cargo hauler? What reason do I have to change ships?