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Weekly c/GuildWars2 Question Post - Week 30, 2023

Welcome to the Weekly Question Post on c/guildwars2!

This post is dedicated to those questions that you might not think is worth making a whole post about, but sure is worth getting an answer to ;)

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Earlier posts
  • how long did it take to get your legendary weapons, if you have one šŸ˜…

    • Really depends.

      My first one ,kudzu, took me over a year because i lacked the focus and did not want to grind mats. So i took it easy.

      Astralaria was next and i found it so pretty i wanted to have it so grinded the achievements for it and it took maybe half a year.

      Was lucky when i crafted aurora last year, since i did the druid backpack already when season 3 came out. Used the mats from the return to achievements so there was only achievement grind. Took me maybe 2 months. Vision aswell.

      End of last year i made the first gen3 leggy with the staff of aurene and primordus variant. Maybe one month for that since you have all the mats from finishing EoD mostly.

      Last month i made Exordium which i just bought most of the mats for which was a lot. But it was done in a few weeks because of that.

    • Depends on what generation and if you have a precursor or not (or the money for one.)

      Gen 1 is all about having the stuff. I already had done map completion in my main and had a gift of battle purchased ages ago for if I ever wanted a legendary. But I played engi so there was like zero reason to have one cuz they donā€™t show basically ever, and wasnā€™t a fan of any anyways. Eventually I got a precursor drop of the uh warhorn, so I made that and it basically took likeā€¦ an hourā€¦ cuz I had everything and just bought some mats and etc.

      Gen 3 Ive made a few: A few days of WvW for battle. Map completion of 4 maps (or lamp lighting of 4 maps) is a few days(maybe a day for each map). Getting imperial favours is maybe a day (maybe multiple if youā€™re doing a lot back to back and have nothing saved). Rest is mats. Plenty long term mats that can save you from directly purchasing by doing stuff daily/weekly: ASS weekly purchases and strike CMs, runestones daily across echovald. Fishing daily for ambergris. Laurels, extra provisioner tokens, etc. can help for mats for gifts. Overall, if Iā€™m actually dedicated and have some good maybe 2 weeks. If not maybe 2-4 months to kinda passively get one.

    • I guess it technically took me 10 years? I didnā€™t really think about legendaries until recently, where I made the Quip. What took the longest was the achievements, but it was hilarious. Had to travel around Tyria and prank or throw pie in peoples faces!

  • I do wonder, shaman still does posts on twitter or moved elsewhere?

  • Is it in any way possible for a core engineer (with rifle) to kill Subject 7 in the Queen's Gauntlet without killing any oozes (for the Blobs, Schmobs achievement)? I'm trying different methods but there is always AoE damage that gets at least one of the oozes...

  • Took me roughly 10 seconds on my Soulbeast with Longbow. I know, this does not help your cause, but I like that GW2 professions have still (after many balance patches) unique strengths and weaknesses and that GW2 is still (even after EoD jade bots) very alt-friendly.