American cluster bombs have only 2% failure rate. Given that Ukrainian lands are full of ruSSian mines, could cluster bombs be used for demining fields? Sappers would have much less work to do with defusing only those 2% which failed to explode.
The main reason you don't use cms is that a: you need a long but not wide corridor usually (arty makes this harder) and 2: with cms you're replacing enemy mines with friendly mines which isn't always what you want.
Also cms are more expensive in logistics for distance/depth cleared.
I was listening a podcast about Ukraine using MCLCs and I thought that potential use of CMS for humanitarian/defensive reasons is noncredible enough to be posted here :)
Both Russians and Ukrainians have used artillery for demining purposes. It’s effectiveness is a matter of fierce debate. Cluster munitions would likely be at least somewhat better for this purpose then unitary warheads would be.
Except cluster munitiont would be terrible to use for demining, as the duds (around 2%) are pretty much new mines, so after a shot, there are probably only more mines to get rid of.