Some people dedicate their lives to their work, families or personal growth... But then some people spend their lives creating troll subs in order to get attention.
Sure, but I am not sure that that has to do with this post or this sub. Sounds like you may be a racist bigot. So feel free to stay out of this sub and block it. :)
I didn't write the article. So feel free to write the author and editor and tell them that you feel that they are trolls.
So is this guy ( Paul Spickard, Department of History, University of California, Institute for Advanced Study, Central European University) a "troll" too?
Keep being mad, bigot. The world is changing around you and you are on the wrong side of history. The hate and mocking you're displaying is the exact same thing people said about transgender. Don't worry, I'll keep your comments up so everyone can see. :)
Not sure what you mean. The poster implied I’ve never gotten upvotes and said he’d only talk to me if I could show some examples. His quote: "Hey when you have a single comment with positive ratings ill happily discuss the topic with you."
I don’t care very much about upvotes or downvotes, but since they seem to matter so much to him, it wasn’t hard to find a few to share.
As for me, I have a great life. Thanks for your concern though, friend! :)