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Letting my freak flag fly

First off, praying to angels is weird for protestants but is encouraged for Catholics as long as you know who you are praying to. Any angel explicitly named in the Bible is good. Your guardian angel, as long as you are addressing him as your 'guardian angel', well that is encouraged. You should ask your guardian angel for help and assistance.

After Mass, at the Novus Ordo I attend we say the St Michaels prayer. Praying to angels may still not sit well with you, but St Michael at least deserves your thanks. He kicked Satan out of Heaven. Michael means, 'Who can be like God.'

I was a protestant for almost 30 years. So this is still new to me. ANYWAY - on to the freaky part.

I happened to be praying to my Angels and I was tired of the 'give me' and 'bless me' prayers. I was feeling curious, so I asked what they did for fun. How do Angels relax in Heaven?

I got an answer. I always hold the answers to my prayers as suspect until I can contemplate them and make sure they seem sound. The answer I got was, 'We do the will of God.'

NO, I replied. In your down time, days off, what do you do for FUN.

"We do the will of God." Then I was reminded of the scripture where Jesus tells the disciples that he has food and drink that they do not know of. That food and drink was doing the will of God. And THEN I realized that we are the outliers. The fracturing that we have in our lives is unique to this world.

I have to stop working to be a father. I have to stop fathering to pray, I have to stop praying to work - and the cycle repeats. Angels don't have this problem. For them it is all the same. Work, purpose, prayer, being is all one all of the time. So their assigned task, their purpose is their ultimate joy.

SO, know that your Guardian Angel loves you more than you love yourself. Your Guardian Angel is besides you always and constantly doing the will of God.