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That should get some attention.

In the Catholic Church celibacy is a huge topic and often talked about because the guy giving you the Eucharist is supposed to be celibate.

The Nofap movement is gaining steam and people are waking up from porn induced comas to realize that it isn't good for them. I just wanted to give a little insight and encouragement.

The standard belief is that if you don't have sex every so often that the hormones build and build and build until you become ravenously horny and are prone to rape defenseless midgets or something. My experience has been different.

I quit masturbating when I joined the Catholic Church about 3 years ago. Before that I was a once a day kind of guy. I could go a month or more without porn or masturbation, but I would always find my way back to it eventually.

I am married so I am not celibate, but I share my sexuality with my wife only. There have been changes in me and her over these years, she is more giving and open now that I am fully devoted to her. Over all our sex life has improved.

I find that I don't want porn, it really is repulsive to me. I certainly don't miss it. I was also thinking about masturbation the other night and I was surprised to find that was repulsive as well. Something I had done for 40+ years in new and inventive ways was now repulsive to me.

My thought then is what happens if my wife were to pass or become ill?

I think the same thing would happen. It would be rough at first, but sex would become something that I used to do, and now I didn't. The thought of it would also become repulsive to me and I wouldn't want it anymore.

So there is hope. Young men facing this dating world are in a rough spot. On one hand the Church demands purity, while the culture demands debauchery. It used to be that a young man could get married and have those needs taken care of while living a relatively pure life. Now women have taken marriage off of the table for men and men only have porn and masturbation to turn to.

The Church still demands purity, and you are better off for it. Being a man is about self control. A man in control of his appetites cannot be so easily controlled in marriage and will be better respected by potential partners.

So, you can do it. It isn't easy, but men do the hard things.