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Governments want babies, but people want choices. Governments want babies, but people want choices - 360

More people are choosing not to have children, sparking big debates and changing how we view family and society. The childfree trend — where individuals or couples choose not to have children — is gaining traction as people prioritise personal freedom, career goals and financial stability over paren...

Governments want babies, but people want choices - 360
  • "People want choices" is a great way to say "people are squeezed and can't afford it"

    If governments want people to have children, governments need to redistribute wealth such that people can manage it. Few people are going to have kids when they're living in a rooming house, spending most of their wage on rent while their landlords and grocery-store owners and other oligarchs make millions.

    If it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny watching capitalists freak out about declining birth rates, since their greed is the cause of them.