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Kamala’s policy record is abysmal. Mainstream media is meant to divert your attention away from her record — a major reason why so many are falling for her vapid campaign.


Kamala’s policy record is abysmal. Mainstream media is meant to divert your attention away from her record — a major reason why so many are falling for her vapid campaign.

[Video, link below]


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  • You convinced me, foreign bot. I will vote for the Fascist Dementia Candidate, or the idiot waste of space candidate who is part of a “political party” that only runs candidates on the Presidential ticket once every so often to make enough noise to distract idiot 18 year olds who don’t understand how things actually work. Got it. (And for all you Green Party assholes, maybe run for some local elections and make a meaningful coalition before just gunning for the figurehead position?)

    • Your smears will not help your party.

      Again, talking down to voters will not help.

      The Green Part is a national party, they run people at the local, state, and national elections much more than every four years.

      At least 143 Greens hold elected office in 20 states across the United States as of July 1, 2024, according to these criteria of who qualifies for inclusion in this list. Below includes 130 Greens currently serving in elected office, who were elected to those offices. Five more joined the Green Party after being elected, and another seven have been appointed to elected office. (Last updated August 23, 2024)^[[1]]

      • WOW A TOTAL OF ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE (143) PEOPLE HOLD (random) ELECTED OFFICES throughout the federal system of the US???

        You really think you’re doing anything but actively causing the United States of America to be a worse place? Get your head out of your ass—you are NEVER going to affect any sort of change with those numbers. How much money spent on (dont say her name) Jill Stein’s campaign could’ve been spent toward electing a couple more state reps or local city councilors or literally anyone else who could make your party’s platform move forward. But no—take foreign money and influence to ensure america moves ever more toward the right wing hellscape capitalism demands because” Dem0crats be Hilalryrs” ??? or something…s lol”