After mulling over it for close to 14 years, it seems Microsoft is finally ready to kill off the Windows Control Panel soon. An official confirmation has been posted on its website.
There's a ton of stuff you can't do with the new garbage settings.
Let's not even mention that on an operating system called "Windows" you can only have one "window" of settings open. And opening new settings will just replace where you just where. Which is extremely rage inducing.
I honestly don't understand why macs are so popular in IT. Flexibility and configurability are not the words that can be used to describe their system.
I'm pretty positive on mac OS, as an OS it's technically quite good, but their preferences app has always been atrocious almost entirely for this reason, I want to have two preferences windows open to different pages please..
Well that was not the case with the last time I used OSX. You click on finder and it would not open a second window. This is not how Windows or Gnome/Kwin work.
You can now reach the network connections folder, using an option on the network status page. It's something like advanced network options. Still all the classic stuff, but avoids "control panel." I'm going to guess links like that are not going to be removed.
If they just outright remove all of that, you really will need to learn how to do everything in powershell.
Hmm, then I'm a bit confused, since my experience with Windows 11 settings app has been good enough to not need to go into the control panel for setting up basic networking, unlike with Windows 10's setting app.