Saw an advert for this thing, in theory it looks pretty good (repairable e-ink tablet) but I'm a little confused by their statement that it will at some point in the future run a linux based operatint system
"A Linux-based system will be open in the future for community modifications and customizations.
*Not built-in with the device"
I guess this probably means it's not actually as open as they claim if you can't just put mainline Linux/android on it but thought I'd ask here cause in theory it seems like a neat tablet
It's mostly normal Android from what I can tell. There's also Kobo where all of their devices are Linux based, although it's more of an embedded Linux system with limited flexibility, but you can install koreader on them along with some other mods.
And there's the Onyx Boox series which run Android as well, although they seem to have retired most of their B/W devices.
I do really want an android boox but I can't justify it for that price I either go audiobook or physical, don't really see the point of using an e reader with those two options available. The tablet would end up just being a toy
I love my A6X2 Nomad, it's a great device. Note that it's an Android based device. For me, I have no interest in hacking it, side loading Android apps, or running Linux on it. It does exactly what I want it to out of the box and serves its purpose perfectly as a low power digital notebook.