Babyslime is the woman who decided to have no prenatal care at all for her second pregnancy, and delivered a baby with mermaid syndrome (sirenomelia) which is linked to uncontrolled maternal gestational diabetes, and when the baby was breech and she was in labour at like 28 weeks, the obstetrician told her he had to do a C section, and she spent the rest of her time on her blog claiming she was medically raped or birth raped. She is a shitty person.
I'm not saying I don't believe you or that she hasn't caused actual real world harm, just that it has nothing to do with the content and that callout culture is toxic and has done far more harm than good.
The only person I know in real life who was like that suddenly left her three kids and just disappeared off the face of the earth for months and tried to return like nothing had happened, meanwhile the father stepped up and took full custody of all of her kids (they were already in the process of divorcing so that just accelerated the matter). Granted, that family has a lot of problems, but she always stood out as being pretty...out there.
She also once invited herself over to our home for drinks, failed to console our at the time 3 month old while showing us "a trick that works 100% of the time" (which she had to find a youtube tutorial for, could not find said tutorial, then after giving up left her phone blaring ads at max volume in the kids room where we were trying to get the child to sleep) and explained to my wife at great length exactly how it was her fault that she wasn't able to produce enough milk to feed our child.
This woman was an antivaxxer in the early 2000s which has led to the mess we're in now, encouraged women via her blog to give birth "unassisted" (no medical care), tried to pretend her one kid was autistic for attention, tried to pretend her second kid was trans, neither of them were, and I believe has led her "autistic" child into believing they are trans so she gets cool mom points. It's pathological. Your friend sounds the same.