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[News] Shogakukan Plans to Release Light Novel App in U.S., Canada Using AI Translation Shogakukan Plans to Release Light Novel App in U.S., Canada Using AI Translation

App to aim to release 400 works within 2 years including Shiotaiō no Satō-san ga Ore ni Dake Amai novels

Shogakukan Plans to Release Light Novel App in U.S., Canada Using AI Translation

From the article:

The app will utilize Mantra's AI-assisted translation system. Mantra is the service that is providing AI translation for the simultaneous English releases of Kore Yamazaki's The Ancient Magus' Bride and Ghost and Witch manga. Shogakukan invested in Mantra in June.

Also, I found this bit interesting. Will be curious to see what this ends up looking like and if the AI will mess this up:

The releases will also include word balloons with icons of the characters to display characters' lines, as Shogakukan told Nikkei it has received feedback that "Japanese names are hard to remember."