Looks to be a synergy set as despite opening Lumara, Maha, and almost one of each of the reanination spells in the set I went 2:1. =ł ah well.
Matched up against a fun deck blinking Head of the Homestead with the token class enchantment. Luckily it doesn't do well against Vren the Relentless.
On the other hand it turns out that Azure Beastbinder is a top tier threat, and synergy can beat power.
Still I can't complain about opening chase cards.
What about all of you? Any fun interactions or moments from your prerelease?
Did a 2HG on Sunday, didn't have a partner but had a pretty good one. I ended up running BR and he went for UG. It was more gameplay synergistic than typal, allstars were the frog that draws you stuff when it bounces and Innkeeper's Talent. We also had the elemental snake but it was either immediately removed or just winmore. 2 of our opponents also had the snake which was way harder when I didn't seem to draw any of the 8 removal spells I was packing. Ended up going 3-1 overall, and I pulled a Three-Tree City and a Ledger Shredder special guest which is great! Though I am a little jealous that my partner even managed to pull a Winter Three-Tree City!