This is the third pre-release for Thunder v0.5.0! This version contains a brand new inbox page, support for hiding posts (v0.19.4), and the usual bug fixes. There have also been a lot of under-the-...
This is the third pre-release for Thunder v0.5.0! This version contains a brand new inbox page, support for hiding posts (v0.19.4), and the usual bug fixes. There have also been a lot of under-the-hood changes so as always, please mention any issues or bugs that come up when running this version.
Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.
Some notable changes to test out:
The inbox page has been re-implemented to improve overall performance, reduce unnecessary API calls, and to more closely align to Material design guidelines. Additionally, you can now sort your inbox replies/mentions by top, new, old, and more!
Added support for hiding posts in Lemmy instances v0.19.4 and higher. You can assign swipe actions to hide posts, and adjust it's colour similar to other actions (e.g., voting, saving, etc)
Site content warnings are now supported on Lemmy instances v0.19.4 and higher. If an instance has a site content warning, that will be displayed in Thunder when you attempt to add an account with that instance.
Introduced refactored inbox page by hjiangsu
Added ability to sort inbox by ggichure
Added new markdown action to create block quote from selection in comment create/reply by micahmo
Added ability to re-order accounts by micahmo
Added user label settings page by micahmo
Added ability to upload multiple images at a time for a post/comment by hjiangsu
Added support for site content warnings by micahmo
Added support for hiding posts by micahmo
Added support for custom thumbnails in posts by micahmo
Show community/user sort type on headers by micahmo
Disabled closable snackbar for exit message by micahmo
Applied name styling to cross-posts by micahmo
Re-introduced comment navigator for experimental post page by hjiangsu
Improved feedback when subscribing/unsubscribing to community by hjiangsu
Fixed inbox not refreshing after popping from notifications page* by hjiangsu
Fixed semantics for link information by hjiangsu
Disable "Subscriptions" sort type option for guest accounts by micahmo
Fixed database migration logic* by hjiangsu
Fixed issue with notifications staying page after marked as read* by micahmo
Migrated anonymous instances to database by micahmo