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Political Memes mecfs

There are too many of these people on lemmy


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  • It's why I went back to reddit. I check in here occasionally to check. I can handle the reddit hive if I limit where and how I participate. But the hardcore political ideologies sprinkled everywhere in lemmy ruin even a limited browsing experience for me.

    • I can handle the reddit hive if I limit where and how I participate.

      "I can handle the hive mind if I only stick to echo chambers that reflect the opinions I already have."

      Like, I don't like these weird trollish opinions; but I still want to see people who disagree with me from time to time for perspective. I mean, how else can I feel superior to someone if I filter out all the idiots? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • This is the price you pay for less hive mindish environment. You won’t like every comment or post, you will hate some. That’s alright