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Saying It Out Loud Isn't Enough Saying Out Loud What Others Won't Even Whisper About Climate Change

Kerry is right that a population of 10 billion won't be sustainable, but this spokesperson for the world's richest country is pointing this out without offering any solutions.

Saying Out Loud What Others Won't Even Whisper About Climate Change

It's all fine and good for John Kerry to utter a fundamental truth about a major driver of climate catastrophe, but it is a useless proclamation without offering a solution.

Have enough tipping points been breached that there are no prescriptions to offer?

  • Alarmist headlines frame population declines in certain countries as a "demographic timebomb." Governments respond with pronatalist incentives for large families and/or laws restricting abortion and contraceptives.

    Hey, just want to throw out there that discussing abortion rights in the same breath you are talking about global population control probably isn't the greatest of ideas.

  • Losing 3 billion people would destroy the global economy. Capitalist economy needs constant growth to survive.

    • Capitalist economy needs constant growth to survive.

      Well, do I have some bad news for you! The world population isn't projected to peak until 2080, but the U.S. population is projected to peak in 2052 (<30 years). We have one generation to figure out the alchemy of prosperity under population stagnation.

      FWIW: there's nothing written in stone that says you must have growth to sustain capitalism. A shrinking labor pool can be replaced with improved efficiency (i.e.: AI & automation). A shrinking consumer base can be replaced with increased per-capita consumption (i.e.: more consumerism). Love it or hate it, capitalism in an extremely adaptable system that will readily adapt to changing tides -- necessity is the mother of invention.

      • Get rid of the taxes and the growth requirements are way down. Technology seems to have stabilized and we are now realizing that the whole internet boom was a bubble.

      • I don't really have feelings towards it. Your analysis is obscured by rose-colored glasses.

  • Lmao, if you alarmists were right, the planet would already be dead, and Planet wouldn't be able to sustain any life. That's the bottom line.

    I've been alive long enough to remember that you've changed the name and cause of your alarmism 3 different times, and said that the world was going to end 3 different times since I was little, and you've been wrong all 3 now… 4 times. 😂🤣 There is NO science to what you do. Nothing. I'm older than most if not all of you in this thread. So don't argue. Stop lying to the world. Cause We're all laughing at you.

    • How delightfully and intellectually astute of you to play the age card. I am cowed to submission by your ancient prowess.