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testing post editing Release 0.0.6 路 nick-delirium/lemmy-fennec

Lots of small and big fixes today, which makes this app more fun to use. Opening users, communities and replies directly in app finally Fixed subcomment insertion (now you can see them right away)...

Release 0.0.6 路 nick-delirium/lemmy-fennec

editing posts,....

  • Nice one mate. This is still the slickest app I'm using.

    Do you know if you have any plans for mod tools?

    • I've added very basic ones for now (like to feature/lock the post and purging), but yeah I am planning to add proper mod tools, like modlog for community view, user timing/banning and better post handling because right now it's a bit awkward, I just kinda added what I could with the easiest way I saw since having something is better than nothing :)

      If you have any ideas about how to design/where to put/etc feel free to share, I'm always happy to read new ideas

      • Yeah fair, no pressure. No apps seem to have them for some reason!

        The most common one (only so far luckily) I have used is the Pin/Unpin of posts for community posts/megathreads.