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Lazy Loading Container Images with Seekable OCI and AWS Fargate Under the hood: Lazy Loading Container Images with Seekable OCI and AWS Fargate | Amazon Web Services

AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine for containerized workloads, now supports lazy loading container images that have been indexed using Seekable OCI (SOCI). Lazy loading container images with SOCI reduces the time taken to launch Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Tasks on AWS Farga...

Under the hood: Lazy Loading Container Images with Seekable OCI and AWS Fargate | Amazon Web Services

AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine for containerized workloads, now supports lazy loading container images that have been indexed using Seekable OCI (SOCI). Lazy loading container images with SOCI reduces the time taken to launch Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Tasks on AWS Fargate.