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Community Announcement

Hi everyone. Just to let you know, we've tweaked the rules a little as they were a little overzealous to the point of stifling activity.

The first being screenshots, previously no screenshots were allowed. Now we've dialed that back to say no personal screenshots. Why, because sometimes there's some good content that deserves to be posted and it's just not conducive to post it in any other way than a screenshot. Though honestly, if you can link to the original content please do.

We outright removed the rule about no posting of Lemmy content. The rule was originally designed to prevent brigading, but cross posting is part of the Lemmy design and sometimes a story may be being discussed in another community and here at the same time, Lemmy members should be able to navigate between takes on a story easily and so in that spirit, well allow cross-posting. It makes sense in my head.

Lastly but not leastly. Shush, it's a word now. We're now longer marked as a NSFW community. Please be sensible and mark NSFW posts as such, but it's not required by default any longer.

Obviously, these tweaks could backfire, so we reserve the right to tighten the rules back up, but hope the changes invigorate activity.