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egg_irl [Gender-Nonspecific]

Picture of the announcement of a remake of the "Ranma 1/2" anime, overlaid text says: "Ranma Remake? So many eggs will be cracked"

  • I hope they don't drag out the "will-they, won't-they" romance suspense for the entire series again. Rumiko Takahashi is infamous for refusing to resolve love plots in her manga series, claiming that the tension keeps people coming back for more. My wife won't watch any anime series created by her, just because she knows the romance drama will never be resolved by the end.

    • Yeah, I don't have much hope in that regard. I am sure Takahashi's involvement with the series will mean that the original manga's casual misogyny will be toned down, but I doubt that Takahashi will change much about the overall plot.

    • From my memory, the anime series danced around it until the very end, but by the 2nd or 3rd season they were solidly in a (very dysfunctional) relationship.

      • Spoilers for the series ahead:

        I remember binging the whole series when I was a teenager, and the second movie (Nihao My Concubine) was the first and only time where Akane actually told Ranma she loved him. But only because they were in a nasty predicament and expected to die moments later. She reneged on that confession as soon as they were safe.

        I remember being so mad that I had watched the entire series and that retracted confession was the closest they ever got to actually being honest about their feelings toward each other. They didn't actually get married, or even go on dates together. They obviously cared for each other, but they could never openly say it, choosing to fight with each other instead. It was a very toxic relationship, and it's hard for me to re-watch the series now, even though I absolutely loved it in my youth.

        EDIT: Re-watch, not re-read watch. Stupid autocorrect.

  • I'm going to be honest, Ranma Β½ is a trash fire of a show and I don't want it fixed or finished. Let it rot in the past where it belongs and give me more actual trans rep.

    It will always hold a place in my heart (next to Sheldon fucking Cooper) but how about instead of reviving that circus, give me a whole new circus with characters who aren't racist stereotypes (Shampoo) or punching down at queer women (Akane, Tsubasa) or whatever the fuck Haposai was?