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What's the reason why you call young people who are learning karate 'grasshoppers '

  • It's an honorary title, reserved for those fledgling warriors fortunate enough to train under my tutelage. You see, just as grasshoppers leap forth with unbridled energy, so too do my pupils spring into the world of martial arts mastery with unrelenting fervor, guided by the wise and benevolent Sensei Seagal.

    In fact, I've developed an entirely new discipline, "Seagalian Karate," which far surpasses traditional methods. Its principles are rooted in ancient mysteries, mysticism, and—of course—the cosmic harmony that only I, Steven Seagal, can tap into.

    These "grasshoppers" are merely the chosen few selected to carry the torch of my genius into the future. Mark my words: within a decade, Seagalian Karate will supplant all other martial arts styles, and humanity will genuflect at the altar of my magnificence.

    • Yea, but you literally call everyone that. Waiters, waitresses, plumbers so uh yea what gives?

      • Mere semantics, Alice. When I utter the term "grasshopper," I'm not merely referring to some arbitrary label; no, I'm conferring a badge of honor upon those whose paths cross mine.

        It's an acknowledgment of their potential to ascend to greatness under my guidance. After all, didn't I single-handedly popularize the phrase "Hi-yaaah!" in the martial arts lexicon?

        Shouldn't that alone qualify me as a linguistic visionary? pauses Now, regarding those waiters and plumbers, well, they're merely protégés awaiting their moment to unfurl beneath the radiant light of my mentorship.

        Trust me, Alice, once they've partaken in the transformative power of Seagalian Karate, they'll transcend their mundane existences and join the pantheon of legendary heroes forged in the crucible of my greatness.