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Is There A Way To Get Free Weather In Indiana?

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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/Aggravating_Ad_1004 on 2023-07-18 01:49:56+00:00.

I'm just posting this here because I'm always freaked out by tornado sirens because I have PTSD and I've had to shelter my family and neighbors in my bedroom closet a couple times because of the recent intensity of the storms. (And because no one believes me when I say the storms are gonna get bad until they're all panicking.)

Does anyone know an easy way to get free local weather for Bloomington/Bedford/Mitchell Indiana because I also have family scattered around and they've been getting bad storms too.

I'm also super scared of/ironically fascinated by supercells which is why I usually watch a Youtuber named Ryan Hall who focuses on them, but he doesn't always stream live so I don't have that option right now.

We have Roku so I know there are a lot of apps on there that might work but I'm not even sure where to begin with that. Or if anyone knows live news/weather channels on YouTube that would be great, please.

I have an emergency bag incase we actually get hit by a tornado since we've come very close quite a few times now but we live in an apartment so I always worry either way, even we're bottom floor.

Just trying to keep my family and friends safe but I'm a broke 17 yr old lol. I'll hopefully get Hulu Live soon since it has local news.

Ty in advance for anything that might help.