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How do I talk to my dog like a Latin grandmom? He's a rescue.

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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/Weary_Direction8030 on 2023-07-18 01:46:27+00:00.

I got my dog Max from my local county rescue. We named him due to him responding to commands when we said "Max'.

He seems to respond my readily if we speak to him in Spanish but I'm not fluent.

Would you please tell me some phrases a dog would normally hear from an elderly Hispanic woman? We want to praise him in a way that will be the most familiar.

Background story: I wear flip flops outside in the backyard, he saw me lift my foot up to scratch a mosquito bite and he took off in the opposite direction. Our boi knows la chancla. We've also seen him shy at men, :(. If my hubs can talk to him in words he's used to hearing from someone he trusts it'd be very helpful.