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Daylesford family beats the morning chills — and perils of pollution — as they hitchhike their way to India Meet the 'time-rich, cash-poor' Australian family hitchhiking their way to India on the adventure of a lifetime

A few weeks ago, the Jones family was waking to icy cold winter mornings. Now, they're seeing how far their thumbs can take them on the journey from central Victoria to India.

Meet the 'time-rich, cash-poor' Australian family hitchhiking their way to India on the adventure of a lifetime

In an age where giving lifts to strangers is mostly advised against, this family sees it as their preferred option to get to India, for environmental and social reasons.

Mr Jones and Ms Ulman do not own a car, have not been overseas in 20 years, and wanted to show their son the world, in the least polluting way possible.

"We've done a lot of travel before on bicycles and hitching and public transport in Australia," Mr Jones said.