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Election time: Swansea West voters rank priorities and motivations Election time: Swansea West voters rank priorities and motivations

There are eight candidates running for the Swansea West seat in this general election. What do local people care about when they vote?

Election time: Swansea West voters rank priorities and motivations

For many people going about their business on a pleasantly warm Woodfield Street, Morriston, politics and the general election didn’t fire up enthusiasm. Several said they didn’t vote, while others shrugged and said all politicians were the same.

Rosalind Willis, though, wasn’t buying that argument. “I can’t understand when people say they’re all the same,” said the 70-year-old. “Where have you been?” But start mentioning cost of living pressures, the economy, health service, or public transport, and the spark of interest was ignited.