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Louise Kingston resigns from WA Nationals after accusing Opposition Leader Shane Love of bullying Louise Kingston resigns from WA Nationals after accusing Opposition Leader Shane Love of bullying

Nationals WA MP Louise Kingston resigns from the party, telling parliament it was because of bullying by party leader Shane Love.

Louise Kingston resigns from WA Nationals after accusing Opposition Leader Shane Love of bullying

How can you allow your party to have a fallout like this when they are in such a weak position already? Its unbelievably poor leadership by S. Love, let alone being so immature as to bully colleagues in the parliament. Who the hell would want to vote for such a foolish behaviour.

Nationals should remove him as leader immediately. Cut the snake off at the head, deal with the many smaller heads that are bound to spring up quickly, before the WA election starts getting going.

Otherwise they're going into the election with proverbial 'cement for shoes'.