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The Welsh countryside must not be forgotten in the 2024 Westminster election The Welsh countryside must not be forgotten in the general election

Among other things, genuine community engagement must happen before technology decisions on energy infrastructure are made, not after

The Welsh countryside must not be forgotten in the general election

We at the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales (CPRW), the Welsh countryside charity, call on all political parties to commit to involving local communities in planning decisions and to integrating energy policies that support and benefit rural Wales. Originally named the Council for the Preservation of Rural Wales, the CPRW has worked to secure the protection and enhancement of the country’s landscapes and environment since 1928.

We’re committed and passionate about safeguarding our countryside for the benefit of our communities, biodiversity, rivers, landscapes, language, and culture, and our visitors. We care about our countryside and want people to enjoy and discover its beauty and bounty, and our local members work hard to make this happen. Musician, author, and broadcaster Cerys Matthews is CPRW’s new President. She’s passionate about the Welsh countryside and our values, vision, and cause.