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Duties [MoringMark]

Full credit to Makmark/MoringMark. You can find him here: Tumblr | Reddit | Instagram | Deviantart | Ko-fi

  • A lot to unpack here, none of which were in the official series' canon, as far as I'm aware.

    • Titans and demons/witches existed at the same time.
    • A titan's size is certainly huge but typically not continent-size huge, and they only grow their size to create more livable land.
    • Papa Titan's body is eventually destined to become inhabitable, and a new Titan is required to create a new livable land.

    None of this directly contradicts the official canon, and it's possible that it's just Enna making shit up - the current Boiling Isles inhabitants do have a lot of their history wrong, so it's not farfetched to think that Enna may also have some of her history wrong, too.

    But if all this turns out to be true, then it's a very big deal.

    • The line between canon and fanon blurred for me a long time ago, but I'm pretty sure the line that witches and demons "evolved from the isles" is on the canon side of things. Then again, with Belos's history books, who can really be sure?

      My question is, if the Titans intentionally laid down to create new land, shouldn't that mean the old land (or at least uninhabitable remnants) shouldn't be that far away, right? Unless the sea can decompose bones or the erosion factor is turned up to 11, there should be remnants of past Titans and their civilizations relatively nearby. (Could that island where King was found be part of that?)

      But really, I'm just here for Ayzee's Hootringles

      • The line between canon and fanon blurred for me a long time ago

        Oh yeah, for me as well lol. Canon vs fanon doesn't really hold any meaning at this point, anyway. tOH is dead, Disney killed it and Mark is pretty much the only new content this series will ever see, so it holds as much value in my head than the real deal. I just like to keep the two as much separated as I can, just in case we get to discuss the "real" series for whatever reason (such as the unreleased pilot that got leaked a few weeks ago).

        I'm pretty sure the line that witches and demons "evolved from the isles" is on the canon side of things.

        It's been a while and I have no recollection of this line and I'm lacking the context. If the Isles are the titans, wouldn't that mean that witches/demons originated from the corpses of said titans, which means, after the titans had already died?

        My question is, if the Titans intentionally laid down to create new land, shouldn't that mean the old land (or at least uninhabitable remnants) shouldn't be that far away, right? Unless the sea can decompose bones or the erosion factor is turned up to 11, there should be remnants of past Titans and their civilizations relatively nearby.

        Yeah, I was thinking the same thing! There must be a place somewhere where the Boiling Isles colonists came from, right?

        That being said, it also depends on what time span are we talking about here? If it's centuries or even millennia, it wouldn't be too farfetched that the old land got eventually eroded or decomposed by the boiling sea.

        I'm just making wild assumptions here, but in the final episode, Luz is shown to be immune to the acid rain thanks to her titan powers. Maybe those same powers keep the "islands" (titan corpses) safe for as long as the titan's spirit holds and, after the spirit of the titan departs to the stars, that's when the corpse begins withering away and starts feeling the effects of the boiling sea/rains?

        It would explain the cycle of titan dies -> people settles in -> land eventually dies and a new one is needed -> repeat, which doesn't make sense otherwise. Why would the land turn barren, if not for that?

        But maybe Enna is just making as wild an assumption as we are, and we are taking the bait lol