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Where my Vapman Mans at?

And the Vapman Womans, and Vapman Enbies et al

Where's the love?? So lo-tech it makes the Dyna look space-age, and so flavoursome it makes the Mighty cry.

Give it up for the Vapman!

  • First time hearing of this, is it in any way comparable to a Vapcap?

  • That's a sharp looking vapman. It has a cult-like following among some for good reason. They've been in business a long time. I remember trying out a Vapman about 8 years ago - it was quite a tasty conduction vape. Although as usual, I totally wouldn't share mine with friends for fear they'd combust haha.

    It's a well built device and I totally get why people like it.

    Although I personally am a Lotus fan - I much prefer the pure convection heating over the conduction heating of the Vapman. I was so sad when Max announced he was closing Lotus vapes. But it makes me so happy to know that Vapman acquired the rights and started building the Lotus again - I can't wait to add a vapman built copy to my collection some day.

    • I actually think the Vapman is more forgiving wrt combustion than other butane vapes; I've combusted in all my Dynas, Anvil, and Sticky Brick;. but never in my Vapman. Maybe it's because I'm less confident with my technique, so I tend to creep up on the temp rather than blasting past it.

      Heard great things about the Lotus. It's def on my radar; which no other prod vapes really are - think Toad, Tetra etc. I have such a nice collection - altho not super extensive - that I'm not really interested in anything but the niche/artisan vapes now. I think my first TinyMight was order 300-and-something, back in Jan/February 2020; and I've been sold on small makers and craftsmen (Delta… take a bow...) ever since.

      • Yeah, I'd agree with that, but I usually don't share butane vapes in general with friends because I'm a flavor chasing snob.

        The Lotus is a wild stallion - it's insanely easy to overheat and combust and takes a lot of practice to master draw speeds and torch control. I personally found a figure-8 pattern was optimal, but you gotta keep that torch moving to avoid overheating and burning one section of the flower.

        But I've never had a vaporizer that would let me reach the cusp of combustion without flashing over - I loved that vape with a grav-labs j-hook with a pinch of water in the crook to give it a natural perc bubbler that was extremely soothing on the lips with it's purring sensation haha.

        The TM is a hell of a beautiful device - I've handled both models quite a bit, but haven't had the chance to add one to my personal collection (I've got literally too many devices in my collection already haha).

  • Vapman in Kotibe. Damn I love this thing.

    The bendy educational thing, wossit, learning curve, is real. i find I have to use it regularly, or I lose the knack; but man this thing is superlative when I'm on point.