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A Little Hint of Blue - Chapter 6 Part 14 (The End) [MoringMark]

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Full credit to Makmark/MoringMark. You can find him here: Tumblr | Reddit | Instagram | Deviantart | Ko-fi

  • A Little Hint of Blue ends just a little more than eight months after its inception (Sep 19 2023 - May 24 2024).

    The end of something is always emotional. It doesn't help that this also comes just a little later than the one-year anniversary of the last episode of the tv series.

    This one and Grom+sequels have accompanied us for such a long time! They really helped me get over my post-series depression. Hitting an ending to a story I like always gets to me, but having a new page every day and even new storylines such as this one to look forward to, has been a life saver.

    And although I wasn't as interested in this storyline as in Ayzee's storyline, I still had fun and it had some great moments, especially with Fled's character arc and all the fight scenes!

    I hope that, now that this one's ended, Mark will continue Hexsquad and especially Ayzee's story. Both of them have been on hiatus for two months now :(

    • I honestly didn't realize how long it has been! It feels strange that this series is over now, but I suppose, much like the show, good things can't last forever.

      It'll be interesting to find out what's next. I also hope we see Hexsquad and Ayzee's series make a return, but I guess we'll have to wait and see :)

      • I can't believe it's been 8 months already either! And considering it already started a few months in, that means we're already coming up on a year of this community and the exodus! And 365 daily MM comics posted here! (plus a little more for the double-headers). It simultaneously feels so recent and so long ago, but I wouldn't've guessed a year already!

  • Ooh look, a callback! We already saw Viney meeting Skara's dad (now apparently happening immediately after this comic) back in February

    And believe it or not, it was actually quite easy to find that comic and link, even though I didn't remember the name or exactly when it was posted, to it thanks to a secret-but-not-really-it's-actually-been-public-here-since-the-beginning-we-just-haven't-publicly-announced-it-yet project that @[email protected] and I have been working on for a few weeks. It's almost ready for announcement, though. Stay tuned!

    • Excited to see what this secret-but-not-really-it's-actually-been-public-here-since-the-beginning-you-two-just-haven't-publicly-announced-it-yet project is about ^^

      • Well then you better not go through our comment histories to find us talking about it then, or else you'll get totally spoiled!