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We are shouting from Belgorod!

We are not asking for help, sympathy, money and pity. We are asking for prayers!

We are Belgorodians, and we are scared, deadly scared: a huge, beautiful, clean, beloved, bright White city is being wiped off the face of the earth and people together with it!

We forgot about quiet walks, forgot about going to stores, parks, cafes, schools, kindergartens, and even hospitals. We have forgotten about dating. We don't watch the weather forecast because it doesn't make sense - you know you're going to spend the new day at home anyway.

All day long, prayers ring in our heads: "Lord, have mercy!", "Lord, save us!", "Lord, let no one be harmed by this shelling!", "Mother of God, intercede for us!", "Guardian Angels, cover us!", "The living help from the Highest..."....

There are no thoughts about the reason for today's headache, or why the children are nervous today, or why you did not get somewhere in time. The answer is the same - all from tension, fear, and anticipation..... A child at 3 years old, knows what a missile threat is and is the first to yell to the whole family, "Get away from the windows! It's shelling!" And everyone, holding their breath, not moving, waiting for all ten shells to burst over the city.

By the sound, you already know in which neighborhood it will come. You know how many times your heart will beat during these minutes. And every time you think: "I wish it hadn't hit the roof... "God help me, I hope it doesn't hit the roof!"

Children don't panic, they pray more fervently than adults, cross themselves and wait patiently, hugging each other....

And after each attack - dead, wounded, destroyed homes and destinies... and the siren's wail has become a siren's call...

Our homes, our families, our lives. We have nowhere to run, and there is no reason to run:

If Belgorod runs away, the rear of our front will be empty!!!! And we for our guys are like a huge backpack behind our back, where there is everything: food, warmth, care, help, sympathy, homemade goodies, smiles, support, warm socks, love, prayers, a card from a child and many other things, because this "backpack" has no bottom and size!... We are with our defenders now as one organism. They are for us, and we are for them!

Pray for us, dear ones! It's so little and so much! How painful it is to look at the empty streets and frightened faces! I want to hug everyone and feel pity for each person. After all, we are strong only in UNITY!!!

Or do you still think that this does not concern you?...?!$ffb8z0IJwnD1emWbUZAKhrHYaCmvK41SXkloNfFkrI0?