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Sometimes we need a quick breakfast. Other times, there's no hurry. What's everyone eating for breakfast? Let's share ideas.

  • Smoothie with fruit, protein, honey and oats most days.

    Have been craving home made McMuffins lately though. English muffin, fried egg, bacon and cheese. Think I’ll have that this morning!

  • If I don't have grains I pass out at lunch. It doesn't matter how many coffees I have. No grains = midday siesta. So it's pretty much flakes + muesli every morning unless I'm confident I don't need to be awake in the afternoon.

  • Coffee during work days. Toast normally when I’m at home with a coffee.m

    Sometimes I change it out with cereal if I’m in the mood.

  • Home-made spelt sourdough toast with Vegemite/promite on one piece, and jam or honey on the other. Weekends are bacon and eggs in rolls, wraps or toasted sandwiches, or pancakes.

  • I only generally eat breakfast if I'm not at home. If I'm on the road I'll grab a big bbq brekkie wrap from Hungry Jacks (I LOVE breakfast wraps and I wish more places did them) and a coffee, often iced coffee, or if I'm at a cafe I'll usually get an eggs benny and a coffee.

  • Miniest wanted smashed avo on toasted wholemeal bread. She had one piece and I had the other.

  • With rare exception, I have the same thing for breakfast every day of the year. Vita Brits. 3 per bowl, usually 1 bowl, sometimes I go for a second.

  • Coffee

  • I often have trouble with breakfast. I’m hungry but the idea of chewing is repulsive. Tinned fruit or cup of soup are helpful.

    A mortgage buster egg, bacon & something combo happens about fotnightly.

  • 4x Aldi Weet bix and coffee. I eat exactly the same breakfast every day.

  • I'll eat toast during the week. Saturdays, a sausage roll. Not always, sometimes it's party pies. I'm looking to change my weekend breakfast ways.

  • Yogurt + stuff most days. Stuff is some combo of berries/fruit/nuts/seeds. I make my own granola because store bought is so expensive and I can't eat oats. This is my usual work breakie because I can chuck it in a jar the day before and it all mixes together.

    If I need more ommph and I am at home: fry tomato/spinach/mushies and then pour two whisked eggs (plus salt and pepper) over the top and a handful of pre grated cheese. Easy omelette.

    If I need a hug I make two boiled eggs with Vegemite and butter toast soldiers.

    I used to eat porridge every day but now I am no oats I miss it. You can get closest with buckwheat but it's not the same.