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Boris Johnson: Report on whether former PM misled Commons due - BBC News Boris Johnson: Report on whether former PM misled Commons due - BBC News

MPs investigating the ex-PM over whether he misled Parliament about lockdown parties are set to publish their findings.

Link to the live report on BBC news. Be interesting to see how this turns out!

  • The amount of distract and discredit going on over the last few days pretty much confirms what's in the report. Yesterday was attacking one of the people behind the report "he did a more minor version of the same thing, what does that mean for the report, eh, eh, eh?!" Today we've got papers splashing the front page with "de Pfeffel Johnson will be seen as a martyr".

  • the bbc are just creaming over this. I'm not really keen on this modern style of soap-opera style coverage.

    It's a very serious and criminal matter, a total dereliction of duty, utterly contemptuous of the people and he's just walked away.

    edit; at the same time, a very dark part of me of which I am not proud, is pleased that some of British public are getting a terrific lesson on how to use a vote. They elected a demonstrable cunt, with long record of vile & degenerate behaviour, and this is their reward.

    • The BBC seem to be doing the classic "one person from the critical pile, one from the supportive pile" balanced reporting from public quotes.

      Sheila from Sutton: "I'm glad he's gone, he made a mockery of the whole process, and should be ashamed"

      Barry from Bognor: "I still believe in him, he's just being bullied by these facts and investigations"

  • Take his honours list away.

  • Expecting a lot of disowning of the report in the usual quarters including some parts of the mainstream media. What a sad state of affairs.