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Would you rather people be forced to be nice to you or would you rather people be genuine to you?

"genuine" Something that is genuine is real and authentic, not fake or a copy. It can also describe someone who is sincere and honest and not pretending to be something they're not.

The idea of being forced to be nice can be expressed in a few different ways:

  • Insincere kindness: This describes friendliness that feels fake or inauthentic.
  • Enforced politeness: This refers to situations where social norms or rules require politeness, even if it's not genuine.
  • Ingratiation: This is behavior aimed at pleasing someone in order to gain something from them.
  • Don't need the fake kindness, but also don't need people to be rude to me for no reason I guess. Where I live the culture is that people are very blunt and direct, which is great most of the time but some folks definitely use it as an excuse to just be assholes.

    • Do you say anything to the one's being assholes to basically put them in check ?

      • Highly dependent on the person, the situation, and how close I know that person, but yeah it happens.

  • B