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Midlife Crisis is Dead in 34 Countries: Young People Suffer as Older Generations Thrive Midlife Crisis is Dead in 34 Countries: Young People Suffer as Older Generations Thrive

Key Findings: The well-known "U-shape" in well-being and "hump shape" in unhappiness by age has disappeared in the U.S., U.K. and many other countries in recent years Unhappiness now declines monotonically with age rather than peaking in midlife The change is driven by a rapid deterioration in the m...

Midlife Crisis is Dead in 34 Countries: Young People Suffer as Older Generations Thrive

Midlife Crisis is Dead in 34 Countries: Young People Suffer as Older Generations Thrive

114 10
Abundance Agenda TinMod

Midlife Crisis is Dead in 34 Countries: Young People Suffer as Older Generations Thrive

6 1
  • Do you think robbing the youth of their future to pay for the wealth of the old and rich in the present might have something to do with it?