Finally finished Arkham Origins after god knows how many years of owning the game. I adore the Arkham series and have 100% (or 120%) every other game multiple times but I could just never get into Origins enough to play it through. Done now though! Still have the collectables and DLC content to go through but that can be another day.
Now I don't know what to do with the rest of my weekend... hmm
Oh yeah I have a bunch of others I've started. I need to get away from my computer chair though I think. Might think about going for an adventure.
I actually bought and finished Detroit Become Human back when it came out. Pretty rare that I'd do that, especially back then because I didn't play many games then. Only really started playing more when I upgraded my GPU on my PC to edit drone footage.
There's something I haven't done for a while.. taken the drone out. Not sure how wimdy it'll be across the state this weekend though.