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I dont understand the game anymore

I was always kinda bad at TFT but i understood what i was doing and what made me win. I could get a weird comp and still build around it and somehow manage to win.

Now it feels like very random, no matter what i try to build if i dont hit certain core items or champs in a comp i just lose, and losing has gotten a lot quicker now.

Like if you play Kata carry she just jumps sometimes on the backline and sometimes one shots carrys, but another time with the same setup she gets ignored never jumps to the backline and i lose.

With shurima hitting 7 is pretty essential but getting nasus/ksante is really hard and even if you get it you are destroyed sometimes

Void is insane too sometimes. Sometimes baron is so strong you easily win fights but sometimes it doesnt do anything.

My point is that i dont have a feeling anymore on why and when i lose/win and it all seems random