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What's "OC"?

I keep saying posts marked as "OC" but I have no idea what that means. Does anyone know?


  • Holy shit reddit refugees doing their thing and mass downvoting comments that are factually rigth lmao

  • OC stands for "original content" and the feature is a hold-over from how mastodon does things. the idea being that you mark it if you yourself made it and are not reposting it.

    • It's used on Reddit too, I don't think it has anything to do with mastodon.

    • I see, so Twitter/Mastodon is made of so much repost material that now the original content is supposed to be marked as such.

      • no, the people who started mastodon just have a lot of "tumblr" culture. they also have "trigger warning" options, self-censor/blurred pic options, etc. Just a different culture. A lot of kbin users I'm guessing are ex-redditors where we don't really do that sorta stuff lol.

    • The term is much older than Mastadon, my dude. Kinda ironic you thought it was created originally there!