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  • Here is the link to the website, for anyone interested.

    Most people are very aware of the US elections taking place this year. I figured I would post this to raise some awareness of other elections taking place around the globe.

    A few to watch might be India, South Africa, South Korea and Ukraine.

  • A couple of notable ones not shown on the map:

    • UK - legally we have to have an election by no later than 28 January 2025, but it would be especially suicidal for the Tories to wait until January (which would mean getting their own elderly-skewing voters to the polls in the middle of winter, and subjecting the country to an election campaign that runs over Christmas). 17 October 2024 is the best bet unless the Tories completely fall apart before then and Rishi has to call a June election.

    • European Parliament - 6-9 June. The big narrative at this one will be about the moderate parties (Renew, S&D, EPP) versus the extremists (ID and ECR).