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It's over

Kill 2023. Behead 2023. Roundhouse kick 2023 into the concrete. Slam dunk December into the trashcan. Crucify filthy 2023. Launch 2023 into the sun. Stir fry 2023 in a wok. Toss 2023 into an active volcano. Judo throw 2023 into a wood chipper. Karate chop 2023 in half. Trap 2023 in quicksand. Crush 2023 in the trash compactor. Liquefy 2023 in a vat of acid. Eat 2023. Dissect 2023. Exterminate 2023 in the gas chamber. Cremate 2023 in the oven. Lobotomise 2023. Slice 2023 with a katana.