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The "Unlicense" Software License (Public Domain) /

What is the Unlicense?

The Unlicense is a template for disclaiming copyright monopoly interest in software you've written; in other words, it is a template for dedicating your software to the public domain. It combines a copyright waiver patterned after the very successful public domain SQLite project with the no-warranty statement from the widely-used MIT/X11 license.

  • I love free software, this whole thing currently runs on it.

    I am a bit disappointed though that free software and earning a decent living seem to be mostly incompatible. I don't know how sustainable it is to expect that brilliant people will continue churning out shit for free when they've got bills to pay and lives to live. I think most of them do it as a hobby in their free time, and that really doesn't help.

    I don't know what the answer is, but I really wish there was a better solution where people could get adequately rewarded for their work, without falling into the corruption of commercial models.