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Going out on a limb - GHO baby takes its first step out of the nest!

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The oldest baby, HH5, takes its first journey out of the nest. Little HH6 tries to do the same, but it seems to need a bit more exercise yet.

  • You go little birb!

    • I believe what's going to happen now is there going to start working their way down the tree, and then back up before they're ready to venture off on their own for good.

      The parents are going to still watch over them through that, and possibly through the first winter, and then they will be out finding their own territory, to raise the next generation of owlets!

  • 😱 Look at that leap at the end! My heart. Practice those wingflaps, kid. You're gonna need em soon.

    • I like how it got the order wrong. It was so close!

      Flap like crazy!

      Almost, little one!

  • Such a precious Moment! I am always a bit anxious watching birds getting out of the nest for the first time.

    • I've had a few small birds nest under my porch roof and right on my neighbor's door wreath is also a very popular spot, so I've gotten to watch a bunch leave the nest and I always wonder how they know they're ready.