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Film sex and nudity to have age ratings tightened for under-15s, BBFC says Film sex and nudity to have age ratings tightened for under-15s, BBFC says

Scenes that were previously acceptable in films with a 12 rating are now more likely to be rated 15.

Film sex and nudity to have age ratings tightened for under-15s, BBFC says

The BBFC has carried out its first major audience research for five years.

Viewers now want "a more cautious approach" to sex scenes that are on the border of a 12/12A and a 15, it said.


The research also indicated that audiences were happy for classification to be more lenient towards some sex references at the border of 15 and 18, especially in comic contexts


The organisation also found that people are now more concerned about depictions of violence on screen.

It said that in future, a higher rating may be required for violence across all age ratings.

When it comes to drugs, the research suggested that audiences have become more relaxed about depictions of cannabis use and solvent misuse than before.

The BBFC said it would therefore take a less restrictive approach to such content.

Conversely, the survey suggested parents are concerned about the normalisation of bad language, especially terms with sexual or misogynistic connotations. Such language may now also require a higher age rating.