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48 colleges nationwide still require COVID vaccine 48 colleges nationwide still require COVID vaccine | The College Fix

Despite ongoing concerns about possible side effects and the overall effectiveness of the shots.

48 colleges nationwide still require COVID vaccine | The College Fix

It is fascinating how something can be proven beyond all doubt to NOT be necessary and in some cases actually harmful, yet rather than say "we were wrong" they continue the LIE. Anyone actually attending one of these schools would be better off going to Comic Book College where the whole curriculum is based on comic books. If you are going to live in a delusional environment you might as well have fun while doing it

  • Wait, the vaccine is not necessary for what exactly? Harmful, how? Who are ‘they’ and what was the lie? And what would a schools vaccine requirement have to do with the curriculum?

    I mean i can guess the answers to these questions based on the context, but these answers would not be kind for any argument you could make.

    • Even the CDC finally came out and said that the vax did not protect you from covid. And it certainly did not stop you from spreading covid to others. There are many cases of where the vax actually harmed people. The latest proven results show that the more of the vax (and boosters) that you get the more often you will be reinfected because it actually lowers your natural immunity.

      Back to abortion. Try going to a NICU. I have spent lots of time in them. The babies in there you can hold in the palm of your hand. With assistance they become viable. The thought that at that stage of development you would abort is repugnant.

      • So when i checked your first point ‘that the CDC admits that the covid vaccine did not protect you from covid’ it turns out you are incorrect. The vaccine that was given for the initial strain of the virus was very effective in both preventing symptoms, and preventing dangerous complications of the virus.

        Now through multiple factors to include: the evolving nature of the strain, the fact that the protection the vaccines give wanes over time, and the drop in people taking the vaccine has removed a key factor in controlling the disease, herd immunity. But even with these things in mind the CDC has shown that the vaccines in use still offer some protection in showing symptoms and still has great effectiveness in preventing dangerous complications. Either way the CDC has not admit anything you have claimed.

        As for the vaccine and boosters harming people. The numbers show that for every 1.75 million people who take the dose there would be one (1) person who received complications. When you say ‘many’ you fail to put it to scale.

        To claim that the vaccine or boosters weaken the immune system shows a misunderstanding of how viruses work, how vaccines work, and how the immune system works. There are no reports that boosters weaken resistance to covid.

        Also, your argument about abortion is a straw-man. A child being sustained in a NICU has already been born, and thus is not, by definition, a candidate for abortion any more then pulling the plug on someone terminally ill would be a ‘late stage abortion’