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Runelite chat filter regex

This is a backup of a r/2007scape post by u/Leddence at

This set of regex is the most important thing on my runelite and I don't want to risk it being deleted with all the drama on reddit. One point to mention is that the chat filter plugin also has a checkbox to strip accents out of text as well.

(?i)^(can|need) someone (to )?donate
(?i)^(taking|accepting)( all)? junk$
(?i)^i need (gp|gold|money|items?) (please|pl(s|z))
(?i)^quitting? .*? giving \d+ percent.*? (1|one) trade
(?i)^trading up .*?
(?i)quitting.*?\d{2} percent of what you show
(?i)giving \d{2}% of what you show
(?i)(2|two|too?) trade (doubl|tripl)ing
(?i)(accepting|taking) (all )?donations?
(?i)(can )?(any\s?(1|one) )?(doubl|tripl)(e( my)?|ing) ((g(\sp|old)|money|items?).*?((\d+\s?[gkm] left|or (g(\sp|old)|money|items?))|up\s?to\s?\d+\s?[gkm])|((till )?\d+\s?[gkm]|g(\sp|old)|money|items?))
(?i)(can )?any\s?(1|one) (willing to |trade )?(doubl|tripl)(e|ing)
(?i)(doubl|tripl)ing( last call)?.*?(2|two|too?)\s?trades?
(?i)any\s(1|one) (spare |help with )((a )?(g(\sp|old)|money|items?|bond)|some junk)
(?i)can anyone.*?donate me (g(\sp|old)|money|items?)
(?i)can someone help a noob
(?i)can someone.*?(doubl|tripl)e (me|my) \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)could use help with a bond
(?i)doubling gp or items \d+\s?[gkm] left
(?i)free membership
(?i)giving away .*? pm me
(?i)i do (1|one) trade (doubl|tripl)(e|ing)
(?i)i just got (scammed|hacked)
(?i)i'?ll (doubl|tripl)e your \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)i'?m a noob,?\s?can someone help
(?i)need free (g(\sp|old)|money|items?)
(?i)please need \d+\s?[gkm]( i'?m new)?
(?i)quitting .*?giving \d+ percent.*? show
(?i)quitting.*?shows? me \d+\s?[gkm].*?free \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)selling \d{1,3} (trouts?|salmone?s?|tunas?|logs?)
(?i)taking unwanted junk
(?i)the first.*?won'?t regret it
(?i)trading up \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)want to earn.*?money.*?account
(?i)(best|come play).*?rsps
(?i)c\s?[o0]\s?m.*?bet g(\s?p|old)
(?i)(exchange|swap.*?) ((rs3.*?|eoc.*?)|07|osrs|os) (g(\sp|old)|money|items?)
(?i)(join.*?)?most trusted.*?(g\s?p |gold )?swap (cc|clan chat)
(?i)(search on )?(twitch(\/tv)?|youtube)(.*?win \d+\s?[gkm]|.*?give\s?aways?)
(?i)bypass g\.e limits at [\[\({].*?[\]\)}] cc
(?i)firecape & acc
(?i)join\s?([\[\({].*?swap.*?[\]\)}]|>>.*?<<.*?most trusted|.*?check forums|.*?for daily rewards|.*?most trusted.*?swap cc)
(?i)trusted exchange service.*?swap
(?i)se11 g01d & a\(\(.*?1oook\s?\/\s?o\.\d.?u.?s.?d
(?i)swap your ((07|d\.?m\.?m|rs3)\s?\/\s?(07|d\.?m\.?m|rs3)\s?\/\s?(07|d\.?m\.?m|rs3))\s?(g(\s?p|old)|money|items?)
(?i)swap(ing)?.*?rs3\/07(\/dmm) g(p|old)
(?i)want to transfer your (rs3\/07|07\/rs3)
(?i) bet is between \d+\s?[gkm]\s?-\s?\d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)^.*? has rec(ei|ie)ved: \d+\s?[gkm]\s?$
(?i)^.*? lost.*? with a \d+\s?$
(?i)^.*? wins! \d+\s?[gkm] with a \d+\s?$
(?i)^\s?big wins.*?\(\d+\s?[gkm]\s?(to|2|-)\s?\d+\s?[gkm]\)
(?i)^trade from .*?: \d+\s?[gkm]\s?$
(?i)(^| )5\d\s?-\s?100\s?=\s?w\s?i\s?n.*?\d+\s?[gkm] (to|too|2|-) \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)(legit.*?)?dice game(.*?trusted.*?huge payouts?)?
(?i)\(\d+\s?[gkm] - \d+\s?[gkm]\).*?[\[\({]?\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[\]\)}]?
(?i)\(\d+\s?[gkm] - \d+\s?[gkm]\).*?trade to play.*?[\[\({]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[\]\)}]
(?i)[\[\({].*?[\]\)}] - [\[\({]\d+\s?[gkm][\]\)}] bet
(?i)[\[\({]\d+\s?[gkm] min[\]\)}] - [\[\({]\d+\s?[gkm] max[\]\)}]
(?i)[\[\({]\d+\s?[gkm][\]\)}] paid
(?i)[\[\({]lose[\]\)}] rolled.*?unlucky
(?i)[\[\({]win[\]\)}] rolled [\[\({]\d+[\]\)}]
(?i)1-100 [\[\({]over \d+[\]\)}].*? win double
(?i)dicing.*?(dice|flower) games?
(?i)\d{2}\s?-\s?100.*?\d+\s?[gkm] min
(?i)original host.*?\d+\s?[gkm] min
(?i)\d{2}x\d.*?\d+\s?[gkm] min
(?i)drop parties.*?give\s?aways?.*?dice games?
(?i)goodie bag.*?choose a number
(?i)has (been paid.*?\d+\s?[gkm]|(lost.*?|won.*?[\[\({]\d+\s?[gkm].*?)with a roll)
(?i)has (lost|won) \d+\s?[gkm] with a roll of
(?i)has rec(ei|ie)ved .*? win.*? \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)has rolled an? [\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[\]\)}] and (has )?(lost|won)( the pot of [\[\({]\d+(\.\d+)?\s?[gkm]|.*?[\[\({]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[\]\)}])
(?i)[\[\({]\d+\s?[gkm](\s?min)?[\]\)}].*?trade to play
(?i)has traded [\[\({]\d+(\.\d+)?\s?[gkm].*?[\[\({]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[\]\)}]
(?i)hosting.*?\d+\s?[gkm] min
(?i)(huge|massive) payouts?.*?\(\d+\s?[gkm] to \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)next \d+.*?win \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)original rng is back.*?\(\d+\s?[gkm] to \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)^want to bet.*? (gold|gp|coins|money)
(?i)over 5\d .*?\d+\s?[gkm] min.*?(legit|quick plays?)
(?i)random 1-100 .*?win double .*?[\[\({]\d+\s?[gkm]-\d+\s?[gkm][\]\)}]
(?i)rolled [\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[\]\)}].*?[\[\({]\s?(lose|win)\s?[\]\)}]
(?i)time limit reached, declining
(?i)trade accepted for .*?amount
(?i)you only need to trade.*?current queue.*?[\[\({]\d+[\]\)}]
(?i)won [\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[gkm]\s?[\]\)}] by rolling [\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[\]\)}]
(?i) lost by rolling [\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[\]\)}]
(?i)big payouts.*?[\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[gkm]\s?-\s?\d+\s?[gkm]\s?[\]\)}]
(?i)big win.*?[\[\({]?\s?\d+\s?[gkm]\s?-\s?\d+\s?[gkm]\s?[\]\)}]? [\[\({]\s?\d+\s?\+\s?[\]\)}]
(?i)^trade accepted.*?[\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[gkm]\s?[\]\)}]
(?i)lost by rolling [\[\({]\s?\d+\s?[\]\)}]
(?i)\d+\s?[gkm] minimum.*?\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}
(?i)0\s?-\s?100.*?\d+\s?[gkm]\s?-\s?\d+\s?[gkm].*?paid out
(?i)join runescape'?s most trusted
(?i)[s ][a ][l ][e ]\s?g[o|0][l|1]d\s?&\s?a[c|\[][c|\[]
(?i)\d+\s?[gkm]\+? give\s?aways?
(?i)discord.*?free \d+\s?[gkm].*?give\s?aways?
(?i)given away every hour
(?i)huge give\s?aways?.*?(twitch\/?t?v?|youtube)\s?\/
(?i)j?o?i?n?.*?\d+\s?(\s?[gkm]|million) give\s?aways?
(?i)rewarding players \d+\s?[gkm].*?(twitch|youtube)
(?i)weekly.*?earn up to \d+\s?[gkm] o?s?r?s? g(\s?p|old)
(?i)(rewarding|win) \d+\s?[gkm](il)?.*?youtube
(?i)winners .*?search\s+youtube
(?i)join ([\[\({])?discord.*?(gamble today|flower games)
(?i)commission staking.*?discord
(?i)(giveaway|reward(ing)?).*?search (on )?y[o0]utube
(?i)accounts stocked \d+\s?[gkm].*?giveaways
(?i)(join|crazy winnings?!?).*?\d+\s?[gkm] min.*?roll \d{2}+
(?i)swap safely.*?trusted
(?i)most trusted swap clan
(?i)(giving|next) \d+ players (win )?\d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)\d+ lucky participants will win \d+\s?[gkm]
(?i)lucky.*?look (o|0)n you,?tube?
(?i)\d+\s?[gkm].*?roll \d{2}+

Hello, I had a post previously, but it was deleted due to me linking a Github.

This is very accurate, and will remove 99% of spam. I have tested it for a long time on worlds 1&2. If there's any spam you're still seeing, take a picture of it, or leave a message. I will also be keeping this post updated.

Large update at 16/05/2019, if you're using an older version then you should update.

Last update 01/08/2019

before before

after after