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What is the difference between Idealism and Metaphysics?

From what I gather, Dialectical analysis is the opposite of metaphysical analysis. I also know Idealism is the other side of materialism. So I feel like Idealism and Metaphysics go hand in hand. They are ways of thinking that fundamentally go against the way the world works in a DialMat perspective. I’m mainly confused because I basically see DialMat as one in the same when I know they aren’t. Can you give me an example of what a Metaphysical Materialist would look like? Or what a Dialectical understanding Idealist would look like as opposed to the former? I should probably brush up on Anarchism or Socialism by Stalin just to make sure but any input is appreciated comrades.

  • Or what a Dialectical understanding Idealist would look like as opposed to the former?

    Well, Hegel. Marx famously is heavily influenced by him and there's the stipulation that he turned Hegel's dialetic on its head by developing DiaMat. I'm not sure if there is one specific work on that difference by Marx himself. I believe Rev Left Radio and/or Red Menace have done episodes on dialetics, both the Marxian and the Hegelian. Those would be good entry points if you're interested in the difference itself.

    Can you give me an example of what a Metaphysical Materialist would look like?

    Not sure I'm qualified to really talk about this, but my understanding is that metaphysics is a branch of philosophy more than a position. It's the branch that deals with questions about the nature of matter, reality, etc itself. In that sense materialism is a position that answers, in part, metaphysical questions. Idealism is a different position. Dialetics is a method of analysis that seeks to provide those answers that make up the positions of either materialism or idealism.