@infosecpub Alright so that works. Just @[community]@[lemmy server] with the first line being the title some new lines and then the body. As you might expect, it posts from my mastodon handle.
Attempting to "reply" to this post sends infosec.pub into a long spin. Not sure if that's just an instance issue or if responding to a Mastodon-originated post on my Lemmy account is causing the issue.
Let's see what happens when I reply to this post via Mastodon...
@infosecpub So that *immediately* propagated the reply TO the infosec.pub post. COOL! Replying to the post within Lemmy still seems to be struggling though...
@infosecpub So for people who want to interact with #Lemmy from your existing #mastodon identity, it looks like you have some decent options. What's interesting is this worked from my infosec.exchange account but when trying to post directly to infosec.pub from my mastodon.social account, it did not work. Could be a mastodon.social issue?
- Replying to it from a different account DID work in adding a reply to the infosec.pub post.