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Daily random thread: almost almost the weekend edition (June 15, 2023)

AKA: Daily random thread: Baku doing the posting cuz nobody has invented automoderator for Lemmy yet

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  • Once upon a time there was a pretty cool nightclub. It was quite a swanky place. It had its regulars, drop ins and lurkers. It was open to everyone 24 hours 7 days a week. But one day the owners decided that the management wasn't that important so management organised a mutiny. They closed the main dance floor and kept the VIP area open but still that wasn't enough. So they closed the place baracading themselves in. Some patrons were confused as to why they weren't allowed access anymore. Where's everybody gone? Where do I go now?

    Then some bright spark said "I know a place. Follow me". Now this new place wasn't as flash as the last (I think it was an old factory in the back streets of the industrial area in Footscray) but it was free and it was safe. At first a few trickled in to have a look around. Then word got around and more and more turned up. The old lurkers turned up to cause a stir but generally everyone's been happy to have a regular place to meet again.

    P.s.There's always that dodgy looking guy in the corner with a leather jacket on chewing his gum and selling shit.